Tech Tips for Linux



PLEX server update on Debian/Ubuntu

  1. SSH into the server (use putty or something like this)
  2. Find the download link here for your distro:
  3. You might have to clean up the download link to read somthing like this:
  4. Download the PLEX package: wget…pack of your choice.deb
  5. Update/Install the PLEX pack: sudo dpkg -i plex…pack of your choice.deb
  6. Finish off with cleaning up your mess: rm plex…pack of your choice.deb
  7. It might be an idea to restart your server now that you cleared out your mess: sudo restart

PLEX server update on CentOS 8 Stream, Fedora or Suse

  1. SSH into the server (use putty or something like this)
  2. Find the download link here for your distro:
  3. You might have to clean up the download link to read somthing like this:
  4. Download the PLEX package: wget
  5. Stop the PLEX server: sudo service plexmediaserver stop
  6. Perform the update: sudo yum localupdate plexmediaserver*
  7. Start the PLEX server again: sudo service plexmediaserver start
  8. Finish off with cleaning up your mess: rm plexmediaserver-*

TeamSpeak3 server update

  • Updating is as easy as copying the new files over the old files… more or less… 😉
  1. Enter the TS3 servers working directory
  2. Stop the server instance with «./ stop»
  3. Fetch the new server files (check for latest url) «wget»
  4. Extract the downloaded file automatically «tar -xvf teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64-3.12.1.tar.bz2» into a new folder.
  5. Type «ls» to see all files and folders where you are.
  6. Move all files from the new directory to your TS3 working directory «mv /home/ts3server_working_dir/teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64/* /home/ts3server_working_dir/»
  7. All files should now have been moved to the working directory and overwritten the old files.
  8. Start the server as the ts3 user as you normally would do, e.g. «./ start»
  9. Verify that the version has changed in the TS3 client when you log in to your server.